Melody Strike - Melody Strike (Musical Strike) Max Lv : 5 Skill Requirement : Music Lessons 3 Skill Form : Active Type : Ranged Physical Attack Target: 1 Target Description : can only be used when the instrument is mounted. Slings a bolt at a single target using the equipped Instrument. Each cast uses one arrow, the property of which depends the …

All but 1. Requirements. (May vary for different classes, view skill by classes is recommended) Throwing Mastery Lv 7, Shadow Slash Lv 5, Soul Lv 1. Effect. Attack a single target using the rest of your HP to deal massive damage. The more HP you have when casting, the more damage will be done. After using this ability, your HP will be 1.

Soul Strike - Soul Strike Max Lv : 10 Skill Requirement : Napalm Beat 4 Skill Form : Active Type : Magic Target: 1 Enemy Description: Summon holy ghosts to inflict Ghost property attacks on a target. At level 10, these ghosts will inflict 5 consecutive strikes. This skill has a 0.5 second Cast Delay. Description : Summoning the Ancient Holy Spirit and attacking …

Shattering Strike - Shattering Strike Max Lv : 10 Skill Requirement : Skin Tempering 3, Hilt Binding 1, Weaponry Research 5, Power Thrust 3 Skill Form : Active Type : Supportive Target: Caster Only Description: This skill has the chance of destroying an equipped weapon or armor when used in PvP zones on other players, or to decrease Attack Power …

Monitorizarea noastră acoperă mii de servere Counter-Strike 1.6 la nivel național România și verifică serverele online în fiecare minut și non-stop. Această pagină afișează cele mai bune servere CS 1.6 cu toate datele necesare: descrierea serverului, țara, numărul de jucători, serverul IP, activitatea jucătorului în ultima zi etc.

Lista celor mai bune servere de Counter Strike 1.6 din Romania cu IP de conectare. Adauga gratuit serverul tau &SHORT in lista sau cumpara reclama. Toggle navigation. ... CS.EROII.RO VIP FREE: 14/32: Admin Free VipFree Best Server: 4. ZMX.LEAGUECS.RO: 1v1 Zombie Zombie Mod: 5.

Translation for 'strike' in the free English-Romanian dictionary and many other Romanian translations. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. ... strike = ro. volume_up. a lovi. chevron_left. Translations Conjugation Pronunciation Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new. chevron_right. EN