Once the Corona pandemic had subsided, USM Germany, located in Bühl, used the early stages of hybrid working to develop an innovative design concept with its employees, creating an open workspace and showroom area in a listed administrative building. Here, the modular design potential of the USM Haller furniture system is impressively ...

Research at USM is driven by 3 main thrusts areas namely curiosity-driven, people-focused and industry-driven. In line with the university's values of quality, equity, availability, accessibility. affordability, and appropriateness, USM has set its Research focus to be "a pioneering, trans-disciplinary research intensive university that empowers future talents …

Gulf Park Student Life. Living on Campus Convenient and safe on-campus housing in Hattiesburg provides quiet study lounges and free tutoring. Student Organizations Get involved through more than 220 student organizations. Safety and Security We strive to provide a safe living and learning environment for our entire USM community.

Modern Shelving & Storage Furniture. Create your perfect space using USM's shelving solutions. USMs iconic classic design combines form and function to create your own custom shelving units without sacing the style of your space. The sleek design fits with any living room or bedroom furniture and brings a light and elegant feeling to ...

Each semester, USM Graduate students have the opportunity to apply for the Graduate Competitive Travel Award.The funds may be used to support graduate student participation in a virtual or in-person professional conference, exhibition, or other appropriate venue for purposes of presenting research or other forms of creative work in conjunction …

Requests for information regarding this policy may be directed to the Office of Affirmative Action & Equal Employment Opportunity by emailing [email protected], calling 601.266.6618 or through US mail at: 118 College Dr. #5111 Hattiesburg, MS 39406. Information contained in this publication is subject to change without prior notice.

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova - lider incontestabil în domeniul învățământului superior. Universitatea de Stat din Moldova (USM) este o instituție cu istorie și tradiții, iar multiplele noastre realizări educaționale, de cercetare și de inovare, aliniate la cele mai înalte standarde, au favorizat permanent dezvoltarea socială ...

Southern Miss Career Services connects students with part-time jobs, choosing a major, career employment strategies and job fairs. The Center for Pathway Experiences assists students with finding and funding internship experiences that align with students' post-graduation goals. 25 Study-Abroad Programs. 17:1 Student to Faculty Ratio.

MyUSM is a portal site: You'll still find quick links to University of Maine System (UMS) single sign-on sites, as well as links to our public website. Who can access MyUSM? MyUSM is for University of Southern Maine (USM) current students, faculty, and staff: Current undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the current or upcoming ...

From Portland/I-295. Take I-295 South to Exit 1 (I-95 N/Maine Mall Road). Keep right to exit again, then bear left toward the Jetport. At the traffic light, turn left onto Maine Mall Road/Payne Road. At the traffic light after Sam's Club, take a right onto ME-114 N. Follow ME-114 N for 6.5 miles to the intersection of ME-25 and ME-114 in ...

2022 USM Virtual Recognition Program PART I. The University of Southern Mindanao, as a premier university, is committed to provide quality instruction, research development and extension services and resource generation that exceed stakeholders' expectations through the management of continual improvement efforts on the following initiatives.

The U.S. Marshals Service manages a wide array of assets, including real estate, commercial businesses, cash, financial instruments, vehicles, jewelry, art, antiques, collectibles, vessels and aircraft through dismantling illegal enterprises and depriving criminals of their ill-gotten gains. The U.S. Marshals Service plays a critical role in ...

A number of scholarship opportunities are available for our RN-BSN students! Scholarships available from the School of Professional Nursing Practice. For more information you can contact them at (601) 266-5454. Our Online Student Scholarship gives first time, fully online students an opportunity for $500 towards their first semester.

Research at USM is driven by 3 main thrusts areas namely curiosity-driven, people-focused and industry-driven. In line with the university's values of quality, equity, availability, accessibility. affordability, and appropriateness, USM has set its Research focus to be "a pioneering, trans-disciplinary research intensive university that empowers future talents …

Explore your programme options. Let's explore the right degree for you. It can be a diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate degree that suit your need and interest. USM offers more than 300 programmes that can be chosen from the field of Sciences, Arts, Medical, Dentistry, Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education and more relevant ...

At USM, you will have access to the world's largest concentration of oceanographers and hydrographers, whose research is at the forefront of understanding the interface between humans and the ever-evolving natural environment. As a student in the School of Ocean Science and Engineering, you'll traverse endless frontiers as you …

The USM Research Foundation is a Mississippi non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Mississippi and incorporated in 1998 and recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In accordance with its Articles of Incorporation, the Research Foundation is administered …