Сайн сууж байгаарай (Sain suuj baigaarai!) - reply. I understand. Би ойлгой байна (Bi oilgoj baina) I don't understand. Би ойлгохгүй байна (Bi oilgokhgüi baina) Please speak more slowly. Илүү удаан ярина уу (Iluu udaan yarina uu) Please say that again.
There are 3 main ways of saying "Hello" in Mongolian language. This is very basic and can be either a formal or informal greeting. The first one is " Сайн байна уу?". …
Сайн уу (Mongolian) translated to English as hello. Translate. Get document translations that have been custom-crafted to fit the needs of your unique industry and culture - in over 60 languages! Order document translation. Сайн уу in more languages. Languages We Translate.