Creating and Supporting Thriving Communities. ICMA's vision is to be the leading association of local government professionals dedicated to creating and supporting thriving communities throughout the world. We do this by working with our more than 11,000 members to identify and speed the adoption of leading local government practices in …

4 ICMA ERCC Guide to Best Practice in the European Repo Market: December 2018 How often should Net Exposure be calculated and margin called? 3.34- 5 59 Exposure thresholds and minimum transfer amounts 3.3 6-8 59 0 Periodic elimination of Net Exposure below an agreed threshold 3.39-3.40 60 Suspension of an agreed exposure threshold and …

ICMA's most recent assessment of its primary markets technology directory has identified several new and emerging platforms designed to facilitate the issuance of debt instruments. read more. The European repo market – ICMA survey shows new record outstanding value of EUR 10,374 billion at year-end 2022.

ICMA regularly publishes information related to the transition to RFRs in its Quarterly Report and provides links to relevant ICMA and official sector materials on its dedicated benchmark webpage. For national currency benchmarks in selected Asia-Pacific markets, ICMA has published a separate compendium of announcements and initiatives. Links

27 July 2023 ICMA identifies 58 solutions for electronic trading in fixed income markets... 17 July 2023 New ICMA Podcast with four Leading Law Firms about Transition from Legacy US Dollar LIBOR in the Bond Market... 5 July 2023 UK FCA launches consultation on a consolidated tape for bonds... 5 July 2023 Industry led working group launches …

The Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles provide guidelines that recommend structuring features, disclosure and reporting. They are intended for use by market participants and are designed to drive the provision of information needed to increase capital allocation to such financial products. The SLBP are applicable to all types of issuers and ...

Hiring resources for every step of the process. ICMA resources to make the search and hiring process more efficient and effective. Reaching qualified local government professional candidates has never been easier or more cost-effective. Find everything you need to learn about managing your account, using your dashboard and much more.