The Mechantek micromill is attached to a computer and high-resolution video display so that milling lines can be matched precisely to banding within the coral. ... A matrix was precisely matched to banding pattern through milling lines on the Merchantek micromill and constructed on the outer 6.4 ...

Step 3: micromill. From the remaining one half of the embedded tooth, a second longitudinal thick section of ~ 250 μm was cut ("Block B") and prepared for the micromilling of enamel samples in order to conduct stable isotope analyses. For each individual, "Block B" was sampled using a Leica GZ6 Merchantek micromill — a device …

bands using either a Merchantek MicroMill with a 0.5 mm tungsten carbide drill bit or a Sears variable-speed rotary tool with a 1.0 mm diamond burr (Fig. 1d). Average sample spacing along the radial growth direction was approximately 1–3 mm. 2.3. Hydrographic data and boron isotopes in seawater Temperature,salinity,alkalinity ...

To study the tracer variability within individual corals, we also sampled growth features in cross sections of the coral skeletons with a Merchantek micromill system, with a method similar to Adkins et al. (2003) and Gagnon et al. (2007). To generate coupled Me/Ca and stable isotope measurements on the same samples, we micromilled growth bands ...

collection of exterior calcite only, using a Merchantek MicroMill with a carbide bur bit. Powdered samples were run through a carbonate line according to the McCrea method (1950), and sequestered CO 2 was run through a Finnigan MAT 252 mass spectrometer. Results are reported as ä-values in permil (‰) notation on the PDB scale (Table 1).

Using a Merchantek Micromill, carbonate powder was drilled directly from the surface of the left valve of the shells. A 300 mm drill bit was used, which corresponds to a resolu-tion of 1–6 days depending on growth rates. To avoid surface contamination, the surface layer (50 mm depth) of each sample was re-moved, and the next 100 mm was sampled.

The Merchantek micromill with a Leica GZ6 microscope is capable of several micrometer sampling steps. The laboratory is equipped with devices to aid in the preparation and purification of samples for isotopic and elemental determinations. These facilities include a ballmill grinding device, a freeze-dryer, solvent-extraction apparatus, and ...

While the New Wave Research and Merchantek brand names and product lines will remain intact, manufacturing and business functions will center in New Wave's new Fremont facility. Merchantek's offices in Bozeman, MT will serve as an engineering center for both companies and a manufacturing location for special product configurations.

speed Merchantek Micromill drill (hereafter micromilled). The drill was set to 50% speed (approximately 18500rpm). Aragonite was derived from a Late Cretaceous molluscan shell which was crushed and sieved through a set of standard sized sieves, generating a sub‐32‐µm fraction. Crushed and micromilled samples from the same shell were ...

The Merchantek MicroMill comprises a computer-controlled micro-drilling system coupled with a Leica microscope. The device was developed for high-resolution sampling in stable isotope studies. With the MicroMill it is possible to collect sample powders on a fine scale. This can be done on polished rocks and thin sections in sampling transects ...

Sampling on a Merchantek MicroMill produced powders that were analyzed for their stable oxygen and carbon isotope values. In addition, the . 87. Sr/ 86. Sr ratios of skeletal aragonite from 43 bivalves distributed throughout the section were analyzed in an effort to improve age control within the La Meseta Formation. Paleotemperatures are

Each polished slab was micromilled at 0.2-mm intervals along four parallel and 5-mm-wide traverses perpendicular to the lamination using a Merchantek micromill (ESI New Wave). Sample powders were analyzed using a semiautomated device (GasBench II, Thermo Fisher) linked to a Thermo Fisher Delta plus XL isotope ratio mass spectrometer.